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![Grief Therapy as Meaning Reconstruction: A Trauma-Informed Approach [Part II]](,h_551,enc_auto/file.jpeg 1x,,h_1103,enc_auto/file.jpeg 2x,,h_1654,enc_auto/file.jpeg 3x)
Grief Therapy as Meaning Reconstruction: A Trauma-Informed Approach [Part II]
Earn 0.5 Credit for Core Course toward
All PI Certification Programs
Offered by the Portland Institute.
Earn 2.5 Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Portland Institute for Loss and Transition is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Portland Institute for Loss and Transition maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Presented by
Robert A. Neimeyer, PhD
Portland Institute for Loss and Transition
Professor Emeritus
Department of Psychology, University of Memphis
USD$99 for 3-hour module /
USD$124 for CE Credits
Adaptive grieving implies integrating the loss into our changed sense of who we are, as well as into the changed story of our lives. In this module we consider two techniques for helping mourners discern the deeper significance of their experience, and in doing so identify the important needs and life lessons implicit in them. First, we will learn to listen between the lines of the stories clients tell themselves and others about the death to grasp more fully the unvoiced meaning of their grief, which often resides at the level of their embodied emotion. Drawing on both video of an actual session with a traumatically bereaved mother and a telehealth demonstration of the method, we will explore the role of metaphor in helping clients reach beyond literal language to symbolize how they carry their grief, and what it can tell them and us about how they now might move toward healing.
We then consider innovations in journaling that prompt clients to name and claim the emotional impact of their losses, and also to step back, make greater sense of what they have been through and perhaps even encounter unsought benefits in it. Alternating between jointly negotiated journaling homework and its seamless integration into subsequent therapy sessions, reflective writing can prompt the self-compassion, insight and action required to reconstruct life out of loss.
Note: This 2.5-hour CE module focuses on topics related to psychological practice, education, or research other than application of psychological assessment and/or intervention methods that are supported by contemporary scholarship grounded in established research procedures.
Summarize guidelines for Analogical Listening as a procedure to help clients make greater sense of their emotions and themselves;
Describe how a non-literal, figurative form of inquiry into the felt sense of loss can help clients symbolize their implicit embodied meanings;
Distinguish between emotion-focused, sense-making and benefit-finding approaches to journaling and highlight the role of each; and
Implement procedures for establishing safe entry into and exit from immersive and reflective journaling, and generalize to its use in therapy.
Note: Completion of this module and return of the Responsive Journal satisfies half of the Core Course on Trauma-Informed Approaches to grief therapy required for All PI Certification Programs.
This program contains the following video segments:
- Analogical Listening: Meaning Making in Metaphor (30 mins)
Embodied Knowing: Accessing the Felt Sense of Grief (32 mins)
Voicing the Unspeakable: A Live Demonstration (52 mins)
Directed Journaling: Finding Sense and Significance in Loss (36 mins)
Detailed instructions for Analogical Listening and Directed Journaling.
Responsive Journal that, upon completion, confers 0.5 credit of Core Course leading to All PI Certification Programs.
Psychologists, social workers, counselors, art / music / expressive arts therapists, pastoral care personnel, healthcare professionals, bereavement volunteers
To qualify for the 2.5 CE Credits, please kindly note that:
Completion of watching the entire recorded module is required to receive CE credits. No partial credit is awarded.
You are required to complete a CE quiz after watching the recording. An overall score of 75% or higher within three attempts is required to obtain CE credits.
The certificate of CE credits will be issued to you upon your submission of a participant evaluation form.
Disclosure Statement
This recorded module is not supported financially by a manufacturer of any commercial product and there is no sale of any product or publication during the recorded session. There is no known conflict of interest for this CE module or the presenting faculty.
The module materials will be emailed to the learners upon completion of purchase.
Robert A. Neimeyer, PhD is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Psychology, University of Memphis, maintains an active consulting and coaching practice, and also directs the Portland Institute for Loss and Transition. Neimeyer has published 30 books, including Routledge’s series on Techniques of Grief Therapy, and serves as Editor of Death Studies. The author of over 500 articles and chapters and a popular workshop presenter, he is currently working to advance a more adequate theory of grieving as a meaning-making process. In recognition of his contributions, he has been given Lifetime Achievement Awards by both the Association for Death Education and Counseling and the International Network on Personal Meaning.
Robert A. Neimeyer, PhD

USD$99 for 3-hour module /
USD$124 for CE Credits
For other enquiries, simply email Carolyn.