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Memory Boxes: Creating Containers of Love & Loss
Earn 1 Credit for Technique Module toward
Certification in Art-Assisted Grief Therapy
Offered by the Portland Institute.
Presented by
Sarah Vollmann
Board-Certified Art Therapist
Practicum Faculty
Portland Institute for Loss and Transition
USD$99 for 3-hour module
In this module, learners will learn about the art therapy practice of creating memory boxes with bereaved patients. As containers, boxes readily protect and hold memories, secrets, narratives, and emotions. They provide a space for creating, storytelling, exploration and documentation. Boxes come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, and may be painted, decorated, collaged, and drawn upon. The creator may choose to use the inside for more hidden and intimate content while the outside can encompass defenses and a more external focus. Precious mementos may be safely stored inside. This creative practice provides a range of therapeutic benefits, and it is rooted in art therapy based theories as well as in current bereavement and grief theories, including Continuing Bonds and Meaning Reconstruction. Case studies of a bereaved child, adolescent, and adult will highlight the use of this modality for bereaved patients of all ages and backgrounds.
Identify three art therapy principles, used in the art therapy practice of memory box creation, that provide unique therapeutic benefits for grieving patients;
Summarize the ways that the art therapy practice of memory box making, including both the process and the product, may promote meaning reconstruction for grieving patients;
Discuss the ways that memory boxes may be used to nurture and explore the formation and preservation of continuing bonds for grieving children, adolescents, and adults; and
Describe three elements in the practice of art therapy memory boxes that facilitate grief treatment with Neimeyer’s framework of bracing, pacing and facing.
Note: Completion of this program (total 3-hour activity, including approximately 2-hour recorded webinar and 1-hour reflection) and return of the Responsive Journal satisfies 1 Technique Module required for Certification in Art-Assisted Grief Therapy.
This program contains the following video segments:
- An Introduction: History, Materials and Clinical Extensions of Boxes (29 mins)
Case Illustration: Working with Sibling Losses (21 mins)
Case Illustration: Working with Perinatal Losses (24 mins)
Memory Boxes: Process and Products (20 mins)
A PDF copy of the presentation slides;
List of Memory Box materials, and detailed instructions for the Memory Box Making procedures;
Guidelines for orienting clients to Memory Box Making, and question prompts for processing the process and product after the creative experience; and
The Responsive Journal that, upon completion and return, confers 1 credit of Technique Module leading to Certification in Art-Assisted Grief Therapy.
Presenting Faculty
Sarah Vollmann, MPS, ATR-BC, LICSW is a licensed clinical social worker and a board-certified art therapist. She earned her master's in art therapy from Pratt Institute and her master's in social work from Columbia University. Sarah currently works with adolescents at Buckingham Browne and Nichols School in Cambridge Massachusetts, and with bereaved patients in her private practice. Her 20 years of experience have spanned a variety of settings, including a pediatric medical hospital, a residential treatment facility, and a mental health clinic. Sarah worked with 9/11 families and she is certified in traumatic stress studies. Her publications on grief and loss include a recent chapter in Briana MacWilliam's Complicated Grief, Attachment and Art Therapy: Theory, Treatment and 14 Ready-To-Use Protocols, and an article in Omega: The Journal of Death and Dying, entitled "A Legacy of Loss: Stories of Replacement Dynamics and the Subsequent Child." She has presented nationally and internationally on art therapy, grief, and bereavement.
Sarah Vollmann,
USD$99 for 3-hour module
For other enquiries, simply email Carolyn.