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Non-Death Loss: Grieving the Lost Assumptive World [Part I]

Non-Death Loss: Grieving the Lost Assumptive World [Part I]

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Earn 1 Credit for Orientation Module toward 
Certification in Grief Therapy for Non-Death Losses
Offered by the Portland Institute.

Earn 2 Continuing Education (CE) Credits

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Portland Institute for Loss and Transition is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.  Portland Institute for Loss and Transition maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Presented by

Darcy L. Harris, RN, RSW, PhD, FT

Associate Professor and Thanatology Coordinator

King's University Collage, London, Canada

Faculty Mentor

Portland Institute for Loss and Transition

USD$99 for 3-hour module /

USD$124 for CE Credits

Grief certainly occurs after the death of someone we love, but it also manifests in the midst of losses that may not be as obvious or easily described.  These are living losses — the loss experiences and their accompanying ambiguity that we must learn to live with as we continue with our lives.  Some living losses are readily apparent, such as the loss of functionality, loss of roles, or the absence of loved ones through other means than death.  Other losses may not be so obvious, such as the loss of our hopes and dreams, our innocence, our beliefs, or our vision of how we thought life should or would be.  Utilizing case studies and examples, we will identify the unique features and implications of many types of non-death losses. 

Learners will engage in the creation of a loss history diagram, followed by mapping specific aspects of loss experiences onto a provided template, which can be utilized when working with clients.  This module will also include the use of a validated measure (non-death loss version) to trace the impact of non-death losses on one’s comprehensibility and footing in the world.

Note:  This 2-hour CE module focuses on topics related to psychological practice, education, or research other than application of psychological assessment and/or intervention methods that are supported by contemporary scholarship grounded in established research procedures.


  • Identify the construct of the assumptive world and how this construct relates to grief;

  • Define and describe nonfinite loss, ambiguous loss, tangible / intangible loss, and chronic sorrow;

  • Explore the impact of living, non-death loss experiences through creation of loss histories and templates in order to identify various types of losses and their implications; and

  • Utilize a validated measure to identify the impact of non-death loss experiences.

Note:  Completion of this program and return of the Responsive Journal satisfies 1 Orientation Module required for Certification in Grief Therapy for Non-Death Losses.


This program contains the following video segments:

  1. What Is Loss: Grief and the Assumptive World (33 mins)
  2. Varieties of Non-Death Losses: Concepts and Illustrations (37 mins)

  3. Mapping the Terrain: Template for Non-Death Losses (21 mins)

  4. Denise's Decision: Loss and Its Integration (27 mins)


  • Instructions for recording a loss history and fostering reflection on the contents;

  • Template for identifying specific types of non-death losses and their clinical implications;

  • The Inventory of Stressful Life Events Scale (ISLES) the full validated scale with instructions for use in clinical and research contexts; and

  • The Responsive Journal that, upon completion and return, confers 1 credit for Orientation Module leading to Certification in Grief Therapy for Non-Death Losses.


  • Psychologists, social workers, counselors, art / music / expressive arts therapists, pastoral care personnel, healthcare professionals, bereavement volunteers

  • To qualify for the 2 CE Credits, please kindly note that:

    • ​Completion of watching the entire recorded module is required to receive CE credits.  No partial credit is awarded.

    • You are required to complete a CE quiz after watching the recording.  An overall score of 75% or higher within three attempts is required to obtain CE credits.

    • The certificate of CE credits will be issued to you upon your submission of a participant evaluation form.


  • Intermediate

Disclosure Statement

This recorded module is not supported financially by a manufacturer of any commercial product and there is no sale of any product or publication during the recorded session.  There is no known conflict of interest for this CE module or the presenting faculty.

The module materials will be emailed to the learners upon completion of purchase.


Darcy L. Harris, RN, RSW, PhD, FT is an Associate Professor and the Thanatology Coordinator at King’s University College in London, Canada, where she also maintains a private clinical practice specializing in issues related to change, loss, and transition.  Darcy developed the undergraduate degree program in Thanatology at King’s University College.  She has served on the board of directors of the Association for Death Education and Counseling and is a current member of the International Work Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement.  She is a series co-editor for Routledge Publishing Company’s Death, Dying, and Bereavement Series.  Her publications include Counting our Losses: Reflecting on Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday Life (Routledge), Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Bridging Research and Practice (Routledge), Principles and Practice of Grief Counseling (Springer), The Handbook of Social Justice in Loss and Grief: Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Routledge), and Non-Death Loss and Grief: Context and Clinical Implications (Routledge).  Darcy serves as a faculty mentor with the Portland Institute for Loss and Transition.

Darcy L. Harris,



USD$99 for 3-hour module /

USD$124 for CE Credits

For other enquiries, simply email Carolyn.

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