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Orientation to
Meaning Reconstruction:
Book Club

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Recorded Training
Can't attend an onsite training event or
join a live stream webinar at its scheduled time?
Now PI Recorded Training offers a range of recorded
Core Courses, Orientation Modules, Techniques Modules, Practicum Studios & Case Studies
that allow you to still earn credits toward Certification.
Now you can mix online training and onsite events in any combination, supplementing your past and future onsite credits with a growing list of Core Courses, Orientation Modules, Techniques Modules, Practicum Modules, and Case Studies currently or soon to be available in either format.
Modules in the recorded version are available for your purchase, so you may watch and learn at a time that is convenient for you. These modules offer the webinar presentation by the PI Faculty, together with a Course Pack that provides the relevant learning materials and the corresponding Responsive Journal. You will receive an email with a link to the web-based recording upon purchase. Your return of the Responsive Journal, upon completion, will confer the relevant credits leading to the specified certification programs.
Note: The webinar recording, Course Pack, Responsive Journal, and accompanying certification credits are only intended for the original purchaser and should not be shared among multiple learners.
for Each 3-Hour Module
Earn Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Portland Institute for Loss and Transition is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Portland Institute for Loss and Transition maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Core Courses for
All PI Certification Programs
Note: Completion of each module and return of the Responsive Journal satisfies 0.5 Core Course required for All PI Certification Programs.
For Other Modules...
Certification in
Grief Therapy as Meaning Reconstruction (GTMR)
Certification in
Grief Therapy for Non-Death Losses (NDL)
Certification in
Art-Assisted Grief Therapy (AAGT)
Certification in
Family-Focused Grief Therapy (FFGT)
Certification in
Grief Therapy for Suicide Bereavement (GTSB)
for Each 3-Hour Module
For other enquiries, simply email Carolyn.
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